Person with curly hair sitting on floor using laptop, highlighted with pink outline, with pop art style background of a couch and plant.

JOIN OUR Digital Divas Team

What is a Digital Diva?

A Digital Diva is a fact-checker whose sole job is to correct the record on social media with nothing but facts to advance Women’s Rights.

We are fact-checking the accuracy of statements by public figures, major institutions, influencers, and disruptors to set the record straight.

When it comes to Women’s Rights, the disinformation runs the gamut. We will provide training and resources to assist Digital Divas on their mission of fact-checking for all social media platforms.

Now more than ever, we need to make sure that disinformation isn’t allowed to go unchecked, from election fraud, vaccines risks, abortion, climate change, immigration, healthcare, the list goes on and on. We hope you will join the Women’s March Foundation Digital Diva Team!

Women’s March Foundation is currently building up our 2024 team of Digital Divas and we need you!

Fill out the form or send us an email directly to learn more: